Your Success.
Natural Gas Markets
High speed reciprocating compressors, gas turbine driven centrifugal compressors, slow speed integral compressors, electric driven compression, we’ve done it all. With over 2,000,000 HP of compression experience under one roof, we have a focus on gas compression that is unique in the business.
Meter & Regulation Stations
System interconnects with high pressure supply lines or with low(er) pressure industrial users is our specialty.
Whether you call it an Interconnect, Gate Station, Meter & Regulation Station or Point of Delivery- Basic has you covered.
We take care of everything from the well head to the pipeline tie-in at your gas storage site whether it’s a salt formation, depleted reservoir, or an aquifer. We realize that there is more to storing gas than just pumping it into the ground.
Production / Midstream
We understand that the need for short term return on investment and quick implementation drive the typical gas production or midstream facility project.
Liquified Natural Gas (LNG)
We bring knowledge and experience to design and manage your LNG Facility requirements. Well versed in vaporization, liquefaction, boil-off gas compression, vapor handling, storage and send out, metering, onsite electrical power generation, utility power conncetions, and automation and controls for the entire LNG facility.
Incorporated in 1982 and with over 2 million HP of gas compression experience, click to learn more about our history and our people.

Compressor Stations are needed to move gas through pipelines. These could be transmission compressor stations moving natural gas from supply sources to end users; production compressor stations feeding shale gas in transmission pipelines; or storage field compressor stations that support the injection of natural gas to be withdrawn on cold winter days.
Basic Systems is able to take care of everything from the well head to the pipeline tie-in at your gas storage site whether it’s a salt formation, depleted reservoir, or an aquifer. We realize that there is more to storing gas than just pumping it into the ground.

Natural Gas Meter Stations designed by Basic Systems have been large capacity for natural gas power plants or pipeline to pipeline interconnect; small for a local Distribution Company to supply a rural community; in the middle for a storage field to measure injections and withdrawls.
Basic Systems Automation specializes in the oil and gas industry. From simple machine to complete turnkey automation, Basic Systems provides dependable and reliable automation solutions.

The Client has decided that it needs one or more compressor stations to move gas through the system. This has been determined by Planning, Marketing, production field development or some similar group. With this determination of need, there is provided an initial set of process parameters such as flow, inlet and outlet pressure, and sometimes inlet temperature and specific gravity. There may be a preliminary preference indicated for the type of compressor and driver, including the need or preference for the driver to be an electric motor.